Answering Services for Property Management & Real Estate
You face a lot of responsibility managing day-to-day functions of a rental home or property.
As a property manager, you face enough responsibility managing all of the day-to-day functions of a rental home or property. Taking care of each call from a prospective or current tenant can drain your time.
Answer Live can patch your calls based on a script and has the experience and know-how to understand when a phone call should come to you, and which should be handled yourself.
Protect Your Reputation From Angry Tenants and Bad Reviews
Online reviews are a major influence in property management and real estate. For prospective buyers or tenants, they can be the difference in making a major life decision. More customers rely on online reviews for property management and real estate services than ever before.
Furthermore, an angry tenant is more likely to leave a negative review than a satisfied person will leave a good review. The majority of complaints come from poor or slow service. Let us take care of this with our trained virtual receptionists. We can patch calls based on urgency, or simply take your overflow. Don’t eschew a 24/7 answering service for short-term savings.
Save the hassle of tough tenants and bad reputation with an answering service that knows the property management industry inside and out.
The Secret to Sustained Property Management Success – Keep Them Happy!
A recent study by Competition & Markets Authority noted that 4 in 10 tenants are not happy with their property management company.
- Answer Live’s professionals schedule and confirm appointments and respond to your emails.
- We can integrate with your scheduling, CRM and business management software.
- Don’t miss a possible revenue-generating call when you are handling an important meeting or showing a property.
- Send overflow calls to us if your main line is occupied or you are understaffed.
- Get after-hours calls answered professionally – forward your lines at any time of day or night, holiday or weekend – 24/7/365! A missed maintenance call can lead to bad reviews and lost tenants!
- Don’t leave new clients on hold. Have your calls answered promptly and responsibly.