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Client Web Portal

Our client services portal, Startel® IntelliSite, is a cloud-based, mobile friendly client management tool. This platform offers full transparency, advanced features and an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to keep tabs on your company, customers, and, of course, our call operators at Answer Live!

The BEST On-Call Scheduling Coverage Service Available

If you work in a quick-response industry such as healthcare or first response, you have a lot of worries. Your scheduling shouldn’t be one of them.

  • Get customized, time-activated alerts in real time, so you won’t miss a beat.
  • Benefits to your staff, department or company: easily manage your account with Answer Live, the best On-Call scheduling coverage service available.
  • Give yourself more time to focus on other sensitive matters, less worry.
  • Easy-to-use: simply enter your on-call schedule and get time-activated alerts in real time!
  • You have the option for us to enter your schedule for you*
  • Provide your agents with up-to-minute information, including staff on-call and contact information, for accurate and timely message dispatch.
  • Have your important, time-sensitive decisions displayed in real time. 30-second auto refresh allows you to make changes reflected immediately

*includes $25.00 monthly administrative fee


Embedded Voice Logger Clip Retrieval

We offer full transparency so you know we’re giving the proper information, to whom and exactly when it’s needed. Search agent recordings by date range, Agent ID, and more for quality assurance and accuracy confirmation.

Message Access with Auto Refresh

Auto refresh provides updated forms every 30 minutes for up to the minute information.

Cascading Staff Contact

No hassle contacting staff members! Contact staff members directly and by their preferred contact methods, through the Intellisite via an automated dispatch script. Included are shortcuts to the member’s messages, on-call schedule, member information and contact.

Directory Management

Easy to access directory and contact member information so you can focus on customer service. Add, delete or edit directory records.

Member Shortcut Buttons

Quickly reach important departments that require timely responses or have high volume –  customer service, billing inquiries, technical support, contact admin? Use our convenient shortcut buttons.

Login Failure Reporting

Each user has a unique login with predetermined privileges and access rights for better security.

Call Detail and Summary Reports

Changes are tracked to specific users, providing you with a detailed log of all account activity. Multiple delivery options – view, print, email and file messages themselves, eliminating the need to contact us. Directory records can be exported as both excel and .csv format.